SW District


The Southwest District Softball Coaches Association (SDSCA) is a non-profit organization composed of fastpitch coaches and persons interested in fastpitch softball from the following Ohio counties: Brown, Butler, Champaign, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Warren. 


A. To promote the sport of fastpitch softball in the Southwest District of Ohio and within the state.

B. To increase the knowledge of fastpitch softball.

C. To recruit all high school coaches in Southwest Ohio to be members so their schools’ athletes will benefit from the offerings of the SDSCA.

D. To provide high school fastpitch softball players the best program for their individual and team development.

E. To work closely with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) in the development of fastpitch softball.

F. To promote and maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship, integrity and ethics for the game of fastpitch softball and the coaching profession.

G. To build strong relationships between schools, administrations, officials and coaches.

H. To present proposals to the OHSAA Board of Control that would improve the level of fastpitch play at all levels.

I. To promote the sport of fastpitch softball through clinics, meetings, All-Star games, All State Selections, and other functions at the district and state level.

J. To improve softball recognition in the Southwest District of Ohio.

K. To administer the Ohio High School Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association (OHSFSCA) scholarships to deserving athletes participating in the game of softball in the Southwest District

of Ohio.

L. To keep all SDSCA members informed of association policies, procedures and activities.


A. There are two types of membership: active and associate.

Section 1: Active membership includes high school varsity and assistant fastpitch softball coaches who are actively engaged in a high school program and approved by that high school’s board of education.

Section 2: Associate membership includes assistant varsity or junior high and middle school coaches employed by that school’s board of education as well as college coaches, summer fastpitch coaches, or former association members who have retired from coaching.

Section 3: To be a member in good standing and have the right to vote, all of the following criteria must be met:

a) Membership dues must be paid by the established March deadline.

b) Members must attend at least two association meetings during that membership year.

c) Active members must participate in at least one association activity or serve on a committee each year.

1) The timeline for participation begins May 15th and concludes one year later on May 14th.

2) New head coaches may waive Article II-A, Section 3-c during their first year as a varsity high school coach.

3) A head coach who is an active member in good standing may send their assistant coach who is also a SDSCA member in good standing to fulfill Article II-A, Section 3-c on behalf of that school.

d) Associate members are encouraged to participate in and support association committees and activities.

B. The membership period shall begin on the first official day of softball practice (as established by the OHSAA) and continue for one year, terminating one year from that date on the following year’s first official day of softball practice.

C. The annual membership dues for active and associate membership and deadlines for said dues shall be set by the OHSFSCA.

Section 1: Membership dues include membership in the Southwest District Softball Coaches Association (SDSCA) and the Ohio High School Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association (OHSFSCA).

Section 2: Any changes or additional fees must be approved by 51% of the voting membership or by the OHSFSCA Executive Board.


A. A vote of 51% of the voting members in attendance shall be necessary for passage of any proposal or amendment.

B. For all association business including proposals and amendments voting privileges will be extended to every active member who fulfills the criteria listed in Article II-A, Section 3, Item a-c.

C. To be eligible to vote for or have your athletes nominated for All-District or All State honors, the school’s Head Coach must be an active member in good standing and must have fulfilled all criteria listed in Article II-A, Section 4, Items a-c (Note: In an emergency situation, a head coach who has fulfilled Article II-A, Sec. 4, Items a-c may send an assistant who is a SDSCA member to act on that school’s behalf at the All-Star and All State Selection meeting to nominate and vote on behalf of that school.)

D. A school’s voting privileges will be revoked for the period of one year for failure to comply with Article II-A, Section 3. [Note: Article II-B states “The membership period shall begin on the first official day of softball practice (as established by the OHSAA) and continue for one year, terminating one year from that date on the following year’s first official day of softball practice.” Therefore, this would also be the beginning and ending date for revoking voting privileges.]

E. Voting privileges for all association business including proposals and amendments will be extended to associate members who have fulfilled the criteria listed in Article II-A, Section 3, Item a and b.


A. The executive officers of the association will comprise the “Executive Committee” and shall include these positions: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Past-President, and Membership.

Section 1: The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing all business of the SDSCA including finances, establishing meetings, clinics, contests, playing sites, and other related programs.

Section 2: The offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, President-Elect, Past-President, and Membership will each receive a stipend for duties performed during their term.

a) The President will receive a $250 stipend.

b) The Treasurer will receive a $200 stipend.

c) The Secretary will receive a $150 stipend.

d) The Past- President, President-Elect, and Membership officer will each receive a $100 stipend.

e) Providing sufficient funds are available, the stipends will be rendered at the completion of each year.

B. The term of office for each executive officer is two years with the President-Elect automatically moving into the office of President and the outgoing President moving into the Past-President office for the succeeding two-year term.

Section 1: The two-year term of office will begin at the conclusion of the postseason District AllStar Game and will run through the postseason District All-Star Game two years later.

Section 2: The election of officers will take place every two years during the May association meeting when District All-Stars are nominated and selected, or at the SDSCA meeting held at the state coach’s clinic before the season.

Section 3: All officers must be active members of the SDSCA. Officers will be elected by the active members of the association.

Section 4: Any officer who resigns his/her coaching position shall submit their resignation to the SDSCA Executive Committee prior to the next business meeting of the association.

Section 5: In the event an officer cannot complete the term of office, the following procedure shall be followed:

a) If the office of President is vacated, the President Elect shall assume this office.

b) If any other office is vacated, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement or hold a special election by mail within 30 days of the vacancy.


A. President

Section 1: Preside at all meetings of the association.

Section 2: Encourage membership and participation in the association, at meetings and at association-sponsored events.

Section 3: Appoint committees as needed for association activities.

Section 4: Act as an ex-officio member and give direction and guidance to all committees.

Section 5: Present the views of coaches within the Southwest District of Ohio to the OHSFSCA by attending four meetings a year.

Section 6: Present the views of coaches within the Southwest District of Ohio to the OHSAA and its Board of Control at the September meeting.

Section 7: Assume responsibility for all communications.

Section 8: Promote a good relationship between coaches, officials, schools, and news media.

Section 9: Serve as a SDSCA representative while working the OHSFSCA All Ohio Underclassmen Summer Tournament in June.

B. President-Elect

Section 1: Act as and perform all duties of the president in his/her absence.

Section 2: Serve as a consultant to the committees as directed by the president.

Section 3: Organize and run the All-Star Game.

C. Secretary

Section 1: Maintain a written record of the minutes of the general membership meetings and of Executive Committee meetings.

Section 2: Send correspondence to the membership as directed by the president.

Section 3: Organize, run, and represent the SDSCA at the All-Ohio Underclassmen Summer Tryout and Tournament.

D. Treasurer

Section 1: Assume responsibility for collecting membership dues and for paying the debts of the association.

a. Disburse funds to members who are coordinating association activities as approved by the Executive Committee.

b. Reimburse association officers for expenses incurred due to association business.

Section 2: Maintain a written record of all financial transactions and give a regular report to the SDSCA membership.

Section 3: Maintain a listing of the association membership, and make a regular report to verify members who are qualified to vote and participate in SDSCA District All-Star and All State Selections.

Section 4: Document member attendance at all SDSCA meetings.

Section 5: Document member participation in SDSCA committees and activities.

Section 6: Present the views of coaches within the Southwest District of Ohio to the OHSFSCA by attending four meetings a year.

Section 7: Present the views of the coaches within the Southwest District of Ohio to the OHSAA and its Board of Control at the September meeting.

E. Past -President

Section 1: Aid and serve the President in overseeing committees as needed. Fill in for the President in his absence.

Section 2: Organize and run the SDSCA pitcher & catcher clinic and / or pre-season Shootout.

Section 3: Work at the OHSFSCA All Ohio Underclassmen Summer Tournament held in June.


A. There shall be at least four meetings for the members during the school year.

Section 1: A meeting will be held after the District Reps (President and Treasurer) have had their October meeting. (Early November)

Section 2: A meeting shall be held at the State Clinic following the OHSFSCA meeting. (January)

Section 3: A meeting shall be held on or around March 15th.

Section 4: A meeting shall be held in May, for voting.

B. The Executive Committee shall meet as needed.


A. Standing Committees will be appointed for association business and will meet as needed or as directed to do so by the President:

Section 1: Constitution Review

Section 2: District All-Star and All-State Selections

B. Other committees may be established by the president to work on association activities. They will meet as needed or as directed to do so by the president. These activities will include, but are not limited to the following:

Section 1: Clinics for players or coaches

Section 2: District All-Star Game

a) Coach selection

b) Game site

c) Secure officials

d) Player contact

e) Written program

f) Sponsorship

g) Admission gates, concession, and merchandise sale

h) Awards

i) Media coverage

Section 3: Publicity

Section 4: Scholarship Fund


A. Any proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted in writing to the president prior to any regular meeting of the Executive Committee and shall be read at a regular meeting of the association members.

B. A vote of 51% of the voting members who are present shall be necessary for passage of any amendment.


A. Call to order by the president.

B. Reading and approval of minutes.

C. Report from officers and committees.

D. Treasurer’s report.

E. Unfinished business.

F. New business.

G. Adjournment.



1. District All-Star Selections will occur at the post season May SDSCA member meeting.

2. Only SDSCA active members in good standing may nominate or vote on any athlete nominated.

3. Schools without a representative shall not be permitted to vote or have any athlete from that school selected for any honor.

4. Regardless of how many SDSCA active coaches may be present from a particular school, each school will have only one vote.

5. Only seniors may be nominated as SDSCA District All-Stars.

6. As many as two athletes from the same school may be selected.

7. Coaches will bring the completed SDSCA All-Star nominating form to present statistics for each player nominated. (Coaches should check the SDSCA web site or contact an Executive Committee member to obtain a nominating form.)

8. Each school representative will take enough information sheets so that each school in their classification can review the athlete. (Coaches should check the SDSCA web site or contact an Executive Committee member to know the approximate number needed.)

9. District All-Stars will be selected by their respective OHSAA division schools.

10. Prior to the nominating process, voting procedures for All-Star selection will be reviewed by the District All-Star Selection Committee Chairperson.

11. Coaches may not vote for their own players.

12. Coaches are responsible for all communications to their selected All-Stars.

13. Only varsity head coaches who are SDSCA active members in good standing are eligible to be selected to coach the All-Star Team. (All-Star Team Coaches will be determined based upon post-season tournament finish within respective division play.)

14. Athletes who are selected for the award will participate in an All-Star game to be played in June and they will be recognized at that time.



Note: The All State players are supposed to be the best fastpitch players from their respective divisions in Ohio. While not required to be recognized All-District players, they should certainly be “a cut above.”

1. All State Selections will occur at the post season May SDSCA member meeting and will be held after the District All-Stars are selected.

2. The procedures outlined in Appendix A, Items #1-12 will still apply.

3. The OHSFSCA Constitution, Article IX-H, section 2 & 3 states that in each District there will be one First Team, one Second Team and one Honorable Mention player selected for every ten-member schools (or part, i.e. 11members would yield 2 awards) per classification in each district. The OHSFSCA Treasurer will compile this information and notify the SDSCA President as to the number of awards to be selected in the May member meeting.

4. Any high school fastpitch athlete (senior, junior, sophomore, or freshmen) may be nominated for All State selection.

5. Athletes who are selected as All State players will be recognized and honored as guests of the OHSFCA at a banquet to be held in June.



1. The All-Ohio Underclassmen Tournament was developed to feature underclass athletes (grades 9-11) while promoting fastpitch competition among the six Ohio district coaches associations.

2. Individuals will be selected by position during a try-out.

3. Only SDSCA active members in good standing may send no more than two players to this try-out.

4. The SDSCA Executive Committee will determine the date and location of the try-out.

5. The SDSCA will implement the procedures established by the OHSFSCA when determining the All-Ohio Underclassmen Tournament selections.



1. Following the selection of All-Star player, each division will select a COACH of the YEAR.

2. Nominations will be submitted by voting member coaches ,

3. To be eligible to receive the award, nominees must be members in good standing.

4. Voting will be conducted in the division meetings; the winner will be named Southwest District Coach of the Year for that division.

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