NW District

Northwest District Softball Coaches Association

Constitution Revised 2.11.2011

Timeline of Information

August 1

Deadline for Northwest District information to State Association for the OHSFSCA Website

Select NW District and OHSFSCA Hall of Fame Inductees

Select Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Award Recipient


Second OHSFCA Executive Meeting, Thursday prior to State Clinic, President & designee attend

Mid January

State Clinic; First NWDSCA meeting during clinic


2nd NWDSCA meeting

March 15

Billhardt Scholarship forms due to District President

Scholar-Athlete forms due to District President

Membership deadline. 3rd NWDSCA meeting


All-District & All-State voting

Nominations for OHSFSCA Hall of Fame Due

Nominations for Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity Award Due

Northwest All-Star Game details Underclassmen Tournament details

Timeline of Information Specific to President

● Mid-October

o First OHSFSCA Executive committee meeting

● December 1 o Wins form deadline

o Service awards form deadline

o Poll voter information to poll director

o Sportsmanship, Ethics and Integrity state nominee due

● January o State Coaches Clinic

o Second OHSFCA Executive Committee meeting, Thursday prior to clinic

● March 15

o Membership deadline

o Billhardt Nominee Deadline

o Scholar Athlete Deadline

o Coaches Scholarship Deadline

o Changes in District Poll Voters to Poll Coordinator and PR Director

● April 1

o Call State President with number of Scholar Athlete Awards needed

● May 1

o Team Academic applications due

● June

o Proposals for OHSAA due June 1

o Third OHSFCA Executive Committee meeting prior to State Tournament

● June 5

o Send All-State Selections via CERTIFIED MAIL to State President

o Send Billhardt Scholarship winner via CERTIFIED MAIL to State President

● June 10

o Fax Underclass All-Star Roster to PR Director and State President Elect

o All-Ohio Banquet reservations mailed to State Treasurer

● Third Weekend in June

o All-Ohio Banquet at Villa Milano (Monday evening)

o Fourth OHSFCA Executive Committee meeting following All-Ohio Banquet

o Underclass Tournament in Pickerington (Monday and Tuesday)

Northwest District Softball Coaches Association Constitution


The name of the organization shall be: Northwest District Softball Coaches Association. It shall be composed of voluntary membership of coaches of softball in the Central District in all four classes (I, II, III, IV).


The purposes of the NWDSCA shall be:

A. To promote softball in the Northwest District area through clinics, meetings, all-star games, and other functions.

B. To recognize outstanding achievements of coaches and players in the Northwest District.

C. To encourage and assist other Ohio districts in the organization of similar associations and to encourage participation and membership in the Ohio High School Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association.


A. There shall be two classifications of members in the Association: Active and Associate.

B. Active membership shall include Varsity head coaches.

Associate membership shall include all assistant coaches, JV, JVB, Freshmen, Middle School and Junior High coaches as well as retired coaches, summer coaches, umpires and news media.


A. Membership dues shall be $35.00 annually for the Active Membership. According to the State Association, $35.00 must be paid to the District Treasurer by March 15th . This $35.00 fee covers dues for the District and the State. Membership is required for voting and nominating privileges in both the District and State Associations.

Membership dues shall be $20 ($12.50 to District and $7.50 to State) for the Associate Membership.

B. Dues are payable at the organization’s first meeting of the school year or by mail on or before March 15th .

C. Any Additional fees may be voted on by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Active membership present. ARTICLE V – OFFICERS

A. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Past-President and Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office for the President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be five years. The term of office for the Past President and the President Elect is two years.

B. Election of officers shall be at the May meeting. The president elect will be elected at the beginning of the president’s 2nd year.

C. Replacing officers who resign or retire shall be handled by taking nominations and voting at the next scheduled meeting.

D. Duties of the Officers:

a. President: Preside at all meetings of the Association and act as an Ex-officio member on all committees.

b. President-Elect: Act and perform all duties of President in his/her absence and assume the office of president following his/her one-year term.

c. Past President: Act and perform all duties of the president in his/her absence during the first year of the current president’s term.

d. Secretary: To record the minutes of each meeting, to read the minutes of the preceding meeting, and to be in charge of all correspondence concerning the Association.

e. Treasure: Collect and hold all fees and dues, pay out money with proper authorization, and make an annual report at the May meeting to the Association.


A. There shall be at least four (4) official meetings during the school year and others as deemed necessary by the Association. There will be a meeting in January held at the State Softball Coaches Clinic. There will be a meeting in February, March and May, with the date and location announced as soon as determined. The meeting to nominate and vote for All-Ohio and All-District candidates will be held on a Sunday in May – the date will be determined on a yearly basis.

B. The head coach or his/her representative (assistant coach, athletic director, or designee) from his/her school must attend at least two (2) meetings, have paid Association dues by the deadline date (refer to Article IV- Dues, Section A), in order to qualify to have a player from his/her school nominated for the All-District, All-Ohio selections.

C. If a school has paid membership dues before the deadline (March 15) but has not attended required meetings, They will not be able to nominate any of their players. If the school has attended the required amount of meetings, but has not paid their membership dues before the deadline. They will not be able to nominate any of their players. If a new coach is hired and has never coached in Ohio before after January 1 st , with a vote of the officers. This school could be allowed a one time exemption to the aforementioned rules.


All active members or designee (1 per school) will be entitled to one (1) vote. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the vote of members present will be needed for passage of general business.


The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members present at the meeting of the Association. The amendment must be discussed at one meeting prior to voting on the proposed change by the Active members.


A. The meeting to nominate and vote for All-District candidates shall be held in May

B. Candidates from a school district may be nominated by their head coach or his/her designated representative as long as the meeting requirement has been fulfilled as per Article VI.

C. Nominations are limited to no more than five (5) per school.

D. Voting shall be on an equal basis; each member school to have only one (1) vote.

E. There shall be four (4) teams, Divisions I, II, III, and IV F. For each division there will be a first team, a second team and an honorable mention team. Guidelines for team selection are included in appendix i.


A. Any player nominated 1st Team All District will be eligible to play

B. The players will be divided into teams per their division.

C. All-Star game rules:

1. District 1st Team only

2. Substitution shall be free.

3. The rules of fastpitch softball as recognized by the Ohio High School Athletic Association (with the exception substitution) shall be followed.


Coaches from each class will nominate and elect a District Coach of the Year for each classification (I, II, and III, IV). The selected coach in each division will coach the District All Star game.

Appendix i. All State and District Selection Process – Northwest District

● Each coach must attend two Northwest District meetings in order to vote.

● The number of All-State selections depends on membership for each division.

● Coaches nominate their 1st team District player for All-State team.

● Vote is taken and top vote getters are selected first team All-State.

● The number of All-District selections depends on membership for each division. That number of top vote getters will be selected first team.

● Elected of icers can but do not have to pay their District Fees. (President, Past President, President Elect, Secretary, and Treasure)

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